Friday 05/05/2011 Shannon Harbour - Meelick - Banagher
Motto of the day: A deep breath on the Shannon
We have a walk in the sunny morning. The new jetties for houseboats are completed. I don't like estates of terraced houses. If I live on board a boat I would never ever be happy to moor permanently on a jetty with fingers so close to other houseboats.

We leave at noon and lock down. We drive downstream to Meelick, where we start to pack our luggage.
Late in the afternoon we drive back to Banagher. We have to leave tomorrow morning.
Shannon Airport Max 16.7°C Min 10.3°C Rainfall 4.2 mm (we had only some drops) Sun hours 5.3
Length of the trip: 5 hours
We had a great time on the Shannon. We met old friends and made new friends. Thank you for your way to give us a feeling that we are welcomed in the boating family. We love the Shannon and of course Lough Derg. “The Barrow and Lough Derg are the nicest parts of the Irish inland waterways.” said a marina owner to me. Yes and we had the honour to be invited to explore some places off the beaten track. Many thanks for that!

We have been boating more than 88 hours with more than 517 km (GPS data) in twenty days.
Our mean speed was 5.86 km per hour.
Longest day trip: more than 8 hours for 53 km
Longest drive: 58 km
The weather data used in the travelogue are from Met Éireann. From their Monthly April Summery:
“Mean air temperatures for the month of between 10°C and 12°C were around three degrees higher than normal and it was the warmest April on record at most stations.”
“Highest mean monthly temperature: 12.0°C at Shannon Airport (its warmest April since records began there in 1945).”
“Highest temperature: 22.7°C at Shannon Airport on 21st (its highest April temperature since 2003)”
