We are the only boat at Scarriff and have a quiet break. After lunch we drive back and enjoy again the calm and sunny Lough Derg which we have nearly to ourselves; only a few boats are underway.
We moor at Garrykennedy and later Brian Goggin comes along for a short visit.
The electricity has been repaired today but the shower at the service block has no warm water and the door cannot opened from inside. “Maybe he is buying flowers for you.” said a crew member of a neighbouring boat when I am wondering why Willi is not coming back from the shower. I nearly had a heart attack when Willi tried to help a hire boat to moor and nearly fell into the water near the propeller when the skipper had suddenly driven forward, so much forward that the boat drifted between the markers to the rocky shore opposite.
The evening is peaceful despite the rocking and rolling which is caused by around 25 fishing boats which arrive in the harbour during the last hour of diffused daylight. Only one boat with a female driver slowed down when arriving at the breakwater. Thank you!
Bats are hunting between the boats in the darkness. The night is bright with stars.
Shannon Airport Max 19.4°C Min 8.6°C Rainfall 0 mm Sun hours 11.3
Length of the trip: 5 1/4 hours
Friday 29/04/2011 Garrykennedy - Dromaan - Terryglass
Motto of the day: A bright blue day and party in the harbour Another bright blue and sunny day starts.
The night was quiet but with the light wind of the morning the passage bar between the breakwater and the harbour wall starts an annoying banging. We have only a F2! The poles are loose and the planks are moving with every small wave. We decide to spend the morning elsewhere.
The nice crew of ‘Gerda’ sounds their horn twice when we leave.
Dromaan on the opposite side of the lake is quiet and here we listen to birdcalls.
At noon we drive to Williamstown and take some diesel from Angus. Then we go on north.
We moor at Terryglass. There is a party and BBQ on this warm day.
With the last bridge opening two hire boats arrive and moor outside at the harbour wall. We talk to them and they are first time hirers and happy to moor anyway, wherever; one crew doesn’t know where they are. The jetties inside are nearly full with boats. But a nice hire boater pulls his boat closer to the boat in front and rafts his dinghy as requested beside and so both boats can come in. Although the weather is calm the forecast has promised a bit more wind for the next morning (the forecast was right for the early morning). At least they are happy that we brought them in.
21 boats are now moored inside with crews on board.

Shannon Airport Max 20.1°C Min 6.3°C Rainfall 0 mm Sun hours 13.4
Length of the trip: 3 hours |