On the River Shannon October 2011

On the water


Log book

Ireland October 2011



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Wednesday 05/10/2011 Portland Island

Motto of the day: Wild life and wild mooring

Another mild day starts with nearly 18°C. The weather forecast has announced fresh to strong winds and at Shannon Airport on this day F5 as mean wind speed and maximum gusts of F8 are recorded.

Leaves  on boatRiver view









We are moored sheltered and watch wildlife and relax at this lovely spot with wooded river banks, open meadows and some hills in the background.

Sun light arrivingAutumnal colours









On the opposite shore is a wild apple tree without leaves but full of apples but we have no dinghy to reach them.

MeadowsMeadows with hills in the back









The only humans we see today are two fishermen passing in a boat.

Back waterFishing boat


















Moon reflection









In the evening we watch again bats hunting and also stars can be seen.



Thursday 06/10/2011 Portland Island - Banagher - Fanning’s Lock

Motto of the day: Wind, sun and autumnal light show

With the cold front of a low pressure system crossing Ireland the temperature has dropped a bit and the 13°C, we will get today, are feeling fresh in the wind, which is still at F5 with gusts up to 44 knots (F9). But we are on the river and 80 hp from the back gives us a surprisingly high driving speed against the flow.

I’m early up and spot two deer in the meadow. We get beautiful autumn light in the morning. The colours are changing from red to brown and yellow to green, blue and grey and back.

Morning redMorning red









Red and brown  Red and brown









Brown orangeBrown orange









Sun risingAutumnal sun rising









Warm coloursCool colours









Darkness is backSwans








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Copyright Tina und Willi Klug 2011