Monday 03/10/2011 Terryglass - Portumna Castle Harbour
Motto of the day: A resting day
A mild and dry day starts. The crew is not fit today and so we decide not to drive a lot. We go for a spin to Gortmore Point and then to Portumna Castle Harbour where we relax and go for some shopping to the village. Some dark clouds arrive but it remains dry and we also have some sunny spells.
In the evening we go again for a spin on the lake.
Tuesday 04/10/2011 Portumna Castle Harbour - Mountshannon - Portland Island
Motto of the day: A day on the lake and meeting Donal
We start early and cross the lake in a steady SW F4.

We meet Donal in Mountshannon and have a look at his new and very interesting Historic Navigation Chart of Lough Derg, which is nearly ready to go for printing. We enjoy the company of Donal and his dogs for a couple of hours which fly past.
Donal's Historic Navigation Chart of Lough Derg will be launched on the evening of Friday, 25th November in the Mountshannon Hotel at 8 pm
by Dick Warner.
The wind is freshening a bit when we start again in the afternoon and we get the usual rolling at Parkers Point.
Opposite Benjamin Rock we spot the third cairn on Illaunataggart, which we had seen on Donal’s Historic Navigation Chart but never noticed before.

Passing Coose Bay the gusts increase to F5 and waves from the side are again rolling the boat a bit. We manage to arrive just in time for the Portumna bridge opening at 5 pm. After driving a further short distance upstream we find a nice wild mooring place in a back water. Willi has to use the bread knife for cutting a branch but these kinds of improvisations are normal when doing wild mooring.

Large (!) bats start hunting in the fading daylight. |