Monday 28/09/09 Sandy Bay – Castle Archdale
Length of boat trip: 1.1 hours
Motto of the day: Rocking and rolling on the Lower and the flying boat dock
Although the weather forecast has announced that the settled weather shall go on till Wednesday we know that it is not correct.
When leaving Sandy Bay a front arrives and there is the change. The west wind freshens, it’s breezy and white horses appear on the surface of the lake. Yippy! The boat is rocking and rolling!
After this ride we take water at Aghinver and Michael welcomes us with a comment on the weather: “Winter has arrived.”
We drive around White Island and moor, sheltered in the harbour of Castle Archdale . The weather forecast at midday gives us the report of the situation at 12: “Malin Head 25 knots, gusts 34.” We decide not to go out again; instead we take a walk, this time also to the Shetland Dock, where the flying boats of WWII were served.
The ducks at Castle Archdale are well served by visitors. Some of them don't leave the car while feeding them.
In the afternoon ‘Molaise III’ arrives and the skipper answers to my ‘Hello’ “Don’t go out, it’s too rough.”
In the late afternoon the strong wind decreases but it’s still breezy. In the evening a Duke enters the harbour, Karl-Heinz and Ina arrive after a ride from Enniskillen. “I don’t need this a second time.” Ina is obviously not delighted by the wind and the last part of the passage behind Inishmacsaint.
Again we spend the evening together with nice chatting. The wind is again increasing when they leave us late.
Tuesday 29/09/09 Castle Archdale – Crevinishaughty - Aghinver
Length of boat trip: 2.5 hours
Motto of the day: Island hopping and joking
It’s raining. One big cloud hangs on the lake. Persistent drizzle seems to support the mood of the last day and the motivation to pack the bags. The wind has decreased a little but the Broad Lough outside of the shelter of the island is still dark and white. So we drive around the islands and drift for a while in the calm lee of them. Then we moor at Crevenishaughty and the sky becomes a shade lighter at midday.
We take a walk on the island from one jetty to the other and back. Back on the boat we enjoy a last drive around White Island and refuel at Aghinver. I moor inside the harbour and Ina and Karl-Heinz welcome us. Karl-Heinz is in joking mood and promises us a special photo back at home. Ina says: “You have moored in the next box, not beside us. You disown us!” Ok, you can get it. I start the engine and move the boat besides them. Karl-Heinz shouts: “You scratch my boat!” I stop the engine and go to the railing: “Where?” All are laughing.
Later we watch the video together which Willi had taken at Galloon Bridge and we again have a laugh together. What a nice ending of a boating holiday!
Wednesday 30/09/09 Aghinver
Our trip is finished. The cows and the calves which had been on the island in summer have also to leave. The ferry of RSPB arrives (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds manages and monitors several key islands (39) in the Lower Lough Erne as a reserve for breeding waders, including lapwing, redshank, curlew and snipe.) and brings the cows back to the shore. Indeed, winter is arriving and we are leaving. Ta ta for now!